Streetscapes, Other CDBG Projects Progressing Across Region; Saluda Library Latest Project
Several Community Development Block Grant projects are progressing throughout the Upper Savannah Region, including three streetscape projects which will be completed in the coming
months. Also, another project was awarded in December 2024.
Upper Savannah Community Development staff wrote successful grant applications to the S.C. Department of Commerce and are administering the projects.
The Waller Avenue Streetscape in the City of Greenwood is scheduled to be completed in late March. The $750,000 project is correcting broken, pieced, and misaligned sections of sidewalk, unsecure fencing, root overgrowth, ADA accessibility concerns, poorly patched sections of road, worn curbing, and lack of parking stall signage.
Funds have been used to install wider sidewalks and other upgrades along Waller Avenue where there are several businesses. So far, crews have demolished old sidewalks and are putting in fresh new concrete with scored patterns and brick pavers. New planter boxes are going up on both sides of the street.
Also, with help from the Commissioners of Public Works, new water, gas, and electric lines have been installed. Crews are replacing old brick pavers in the road with fresh new pavers.
The Town of McCormick Streetscape is scheduled for completion in June. The $750,000 project includes improvements to West Augusta Street in front of Town Hall, adding sidewalks, curbing, a speed table, and a Veterans Memorial.
Additional improvements have been made to the parking area behind Town Hall and the Fire Department, with new parking, an alternative entrance and exit, and an underground retention pond. The Town committed an additional $215,637 towards completion of the project. There will be an additional 23 parking spaces.
The Town of Saluda Streetscape is scheduled for completion in March. The $721,212 in CDBG funding focuses on downtown beautification at North Main and West Church streets.
Improvements will encourage foot traffic, potentially stimulating business opportunities within the available storefronts. The project includes a $102,562 local match for total cost of $823,774.
More recently, Saluda County was awarded funds to renovate the new Saluda County Library location at 307 W. Butler Ave. The current library located behind the Courthouse consists of approximately 2,000 square feet of space, whereas the new location consists of approximately 6,900 square feet.
Improvements to the new location will include interior construction, parking improvements, ADA accessibility, and a new HVAC system. The larger facility will allow more educational materials, resources, and space for free library-hosted activities and programs. The project is in start-up phase.
Other CDBG projects have been completed or are near completion. The Clinton-Joanna Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Phase I was completed in December 2024.
The Greenwood County Mathews Mill Sewer Phase II upgrade affecting approximately 303 customers on Georgia Street, Bolt Avenue, Bond Avenue, Stevens Avenue, and Cross Street is scheduled for completion around Feb. 27.
Other projects in start-up phases include Clinton-Joanna WWTP Upgrade Phase II and Greenwood County DSS Building Improvements.
The Booker T. Washington Sewer Upgrade on Central Avenue, North Hospital Street, Brewer Avenue, and New Street in the City of Greenwood is currently under construction and will bring improvement for approximately 119 residents.
The City of Abbeville Chestnut Street Park improvements are going out to bid in February. The Town of Ridge Spring Sewer Rehab will go out to bid once right of way acquisition is complete.

Waller Streetscape

Saluda Streetscape

McCormick Streetscape