Upper Savannah COG Gives Recognition to Volunteer Ombudsman Lewis, Duncan

Ombudsman Chasity Lewis, left, with Upper Savannah Long Term Care Ombudsman/Volunteer Ombudsman Coordinator Ashley Capps; and Natasha Duncan, right

In honor of National Volunteer Week in May, the Upper Savannah Regional Long Term Care Ombudsman Program recently recognized Chasity Lewis and Natasha Duncan for their work as Volunteer Ombudsman.

Volunteer Ombudsman are volunteers who conduct friendly routine visits at assisted living facilities and nursing homes providing information and education to residents, their families, and facility staff about residents’ rights.

“We appreciate everything Chasity and Natasha are doing to make a difference with our residents,” said Ashley Capps, who is Upper Savannah’s Long Term Care Ombudsman/Volunteer Ombudsman Coordinator. “Their efforts are not going unnoticed. Our program would not be where it is today without them.”

Upper Savannah Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman Ericca Livingston added, “I appreciate Chasity and Natasha and the impact they have made.”

Livingston and Capps are the two certified Long Term Care Ombudsman of the Upper Savannah Region that advocate for and work to resolve problems or complaints affecting residents in the nursing homes, assisted living facilities (community residential care facilities), and the facilities that are owned/operated by the Department of Disability and Special Needs, and Department of Mental Health.

If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Ombudsman, please contact Ashley Capps via email at acapps@uppersavannah.com.